Thursday, March 1, 2012


When I got my iPhone back in November, one of the first apps I installed was Instagram. I wasn't quite sure what to do with it, but I saw lots of my favorite bloggers using it, so I added them all to my feed. I randomly upload pictures but mostly just follow people who take better pictures than I do.

When E over at E, Myself & I  posted this March Photo-A-Day challenge (originally here) I decided it would be a great way to get a little more exposure to Instagram and have some fun.

My Instagram username is JenS72. If you use Instagram, leave me your name! I love new friends to follow.

Happy March!

1 comment:

  1. I love instagram, and did #janphotoaday & #febphotoaday, but felt a little burnt out by the time #marchphotoaday rolled around. I love seeing all the posts from everyone else though!


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