
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

I found the Ultimate Blog Party this year through another blog I follow (ummm...I can't remember which one...oops!!) and thought it would be a great chance for me to meet other bloggers. I am always looking for new blogs to follow and new friends!

I started my humble little blog here a few months ago. I have been reading blogs for a few years now, and love to write, so it seemed like a good combination! I've enjoyed it so far and look forward to continuing to grow as a blogger and build relationships with fellow bloggers. If you're wondering about the title of my blog, here's a little explanation.

My husband Josh and I are still what I consider "newlyweds" and we'll celebrate two years in just a few days.

We have two dogs who are our kids for now, one of these days we may get around to having some real kids!

I'm a follower of Christ, wife, daughter, sister, office manager, crafter, wannabe extreme couponer, Pinterest addict, and more. You can read a little bit more about me here. Those are the things I blog about--whatever's on my heart! But more than anything, I want you to see a real, genuine relationship with God through everything I do and say.

Thanks for stopping by--I look forward to getting to know you!


  1. Hi. Nice to meet you. I came over from the Blog Party and look forward to looking through your blog. I also have a Tuesday hop that I'd love to have you link with.

  2. Congrats on your new blog and your 2nd anniversary. I am three years into blogging and 35 years into marriage. :-)

    I am popping over from UBP to say hi. Hope your enjoying party week.


  3. Found you through the blog party! :)

    I LOVE Andrew Peterson and 'dancing through the minefields' is definitely one of my favorite songs!

    Nice to "meet" another young wifey that loves Jesus and blogging like I do :)

    You have a new follower :D

  4. Hi, there! Just stopping by from the UBP. Your blog title caught my eye because I love that song!! Great blog name! I look forward to browsing your blog. :)

  5. Hello! I came by from the blog party and am so glad that I did! I excited to read more about you as we seem to have some things in common! My husband and I have been married almost two years and I started blogging recently as well ( We also don't have kids yet, just one crazy cat. Oh, and I love Pinterest too!
    Be blessed,

  6. Hi Jen! Congratulations on your new blog and your wedding anniversary! I'm popping by from UBP2012 to say hi!

  7. Hi Jeni,
    Stopping by from the UBP12! Your blog looks amazing for being a new one! I am impressed! Blessings to you!

    Amy @ Missional Mama

  8. Welcome and I agree it's great! Nice to meet you.

  9. Hi! I'm a new follower from the UBP. Glad to meet you! Stop by my blog for a visit if you have a chance. =0)


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